We are currently not taking on new patients until 2024 except for the skin clinic

Skin Cancer Check

Skin Check/ Full Body skin map

A skin cancer check is generally completed in a 20 minute appointment and is a simple, non-invasive process. During skin checks, a doctor will examine your skin under a magnifying lamp and/or a hand-held skin microscope called a Dermatoscope, recording any spots of interest. If the doctor believes it is required you will undergo a mole map process in the same appointment at no extra charge. Mole mapping is undertaken alongside a full-body skin check. It is best suited to high risk individuals, for example those who wish to have a record of their moles or patients who are advised by their GP or dermatologist to have the procedure. High resolution digital photography of your entire body is undertaken. This process is repeated in 6-12 months.

  • with any number of moles or lesions
  • who have never had a full body skin check
  • with any concerns about a particular mole or lesion

Skin Biopsy
Some skin cancers are clinically obvious, but others may be more inconclusive, so when needed, skin biopsies (including shave biopsies, punch biopsies, and excisional biopsies) will be performed to provide further information from pathology analysis. These procedures can often be performed during your initial clinic appointment.

Moles and lesions  that are suspected of Melanoma and need to be removed for other reasons can be removed surgically. This procedure can be performed in the clinic, however, it is usually performed at a separate appointment after your initial skin check

Cryotherapy or “freezing” with liquid nitrogen effectively treats several skin conditions, including Actinic Keratoses, commonly known as “pre-skin cancers”.

The process of hyfrecation is performed with a small needle with an electrical pulse which acts as a diathermy to burn away tiny and undesired lumps and bumps from the skin. The treatment is often tolerated well after local anaesthetic and is highly effective.

To book your skin services please call the practice on.

08 6182 4331